

St. 路易斯全年庆祝骄傲

这个门户城市有一个充满活力的LGBTQIA+社区, 鼓励人们过真实的生活.

多彩、时尚、多元、包容, 格罗夫社区 should be your first stop if you want to connect with the local LGBTQIA+ community. 对同性恋友好的场所包括HandleBar, 只有约翰, 棱镜与康复酒吧 & 格尔餐厅,在那里你没有压力,只能做你自己.

热带利口酒 也是一个聚会的好地方. 以热带热带为特色, 裸露的砖和自然光, 酒吧供应冷冻鸡尾酒和街头玉米饼,直到凌晨1:30.m. 星期五和星期六.

Billy Thompson, owner of 热带利口酒, prides himself on having an inclusive space. “在热带利口酒店, 不同社区的成员可以聚在一起,度过美好的时光,他说. “There’s always a diverse group of people enjoying drinks and playing games throughout the space.”

在南百老汇, 酒吧:PM是一个很受欢迎的地方, and a lot of people in the LGBTQIA+ community live near 韩国大 Boulevard, 它拥有2022世界杯投注,这一点也不夸张.

六个街区内, 你可以吃土耳其烤肉串, 埃塞俄比亚injera, 意大利arancini, 印度咖喱, 广东包子和全牛肉热狗, 仅举几个美味的例子. 素食主义者? 你有无数的选择 韩国大 -想想自制的辣味烧烤面筋和洋葱丁, cilantro and “sour cream” in a fried corn tortilla shell; New York-style slices made with cashew cheese and plant-based pepperoni; jackfruit tinga sopes with guacamole; and butternut squash ravioli with amaretto butter, “山羊奶酪,黑核桃和炸鼠尾草.

寻找一个真正的派对? 计划好你的旅行 PrideFest,其中之一。. 路易的标志性活动.

Spotlighting the diverse and dynamic LGBTQIA+ community and bringing awareness and support to the historically marginalized group, PrideFest takes place at the end of June to coincide with the Stonewall Riots, 6月28日发生在纽约的事件, 1969, 作为对警方突袭石墙酒吧的回应, 位于格林威治村的一家同性恋俱乐部. The historic uprising served as a catalyst for the gay rights movement in the U.S.

The spirited celebrations surrounding PrideFest culminate in the Grand Pride Parade, 那里有数百辆花车,吸引了成千上万的狂欢者.

“每个人都欢迎参加同志节,“乔丹·布拉克斯顿, 她是LGBTQIA+权利的教育家和倡导者,也是游行的负责人, 说. “The queer community is very inclusive, so we welcome people in the community as well as allies. PrideFest is an opportunity for everyone to get together to celebrate our uniqueness; it’s a time when we can celebrate, 相互支持,相互鼓舞.”

PrideFest一直在2022世界杯投注斯自1980年以来. 它还在继续增长, reinforcing its mission to foster an understanding and a tolerance of the LGBTQIA+ community by raising awareness through educational programs and events leading up to the annual PrideFest in St. 路易.

乐趣还不止于此! The one-of-a-kind Tower Grove Park also holds a community-powered independent Pride festival every year. 人物和宠物, 还有艺人和小贩, 一场有望带来愉悦体验的游行 塔格罗夫骄傲 supports and promotes social justice for every disadvantaged, undervalued and oppressed community.

2022世界杯赛事竞猜更多关于St . LGBTQIA+社区的信息. 路易斯, 参观骄傲街. 路易的网站.